The Key Ceremony is one of the main pieces that guarantees the security and the anonymity of the election.
In this process the Trustees create the encryption keys used to encrypt the votes during the voting period and decrypt the results at the end of the election.
As a Trustee, you can take part to the Key Ceremony by accessing the Trustee Zone in your account page.
When the administrator of the election has started the Key Ceremony, you will see that an action is required for the election you are a Trustee for.
You have a pending action in the election Another election
If you are asked to Upload your identification keys
as in the image above, upload the file you downloaded in the previous step.
Now click on Perform action
to enter the Key Ceremony view.
Notice that all the Trustees need to be connected at the same time in order to perform hte Key Ceremony.
You are ready to Start
the Key Ceremony
Hit Start
and the process will begin.
During the process, you will be asked to download a back up a file.
This is the election key - you will need it to decrypt the results at the end of the election.
After downloading the key, the process will continue.
If the Keys publishing
step gets stuck on "Pending", chances are that not all the Trustees are connected.
Once everybody the process will unstuck on its own - don’t leave the page.
Congratulations 🥳 The Key Ceremony is completed!