Environment Variables

We try to let most of the things defined through Environment Variables, as 12factor applications’s config. You’ll need to configure them through your hosting provider (for example in Heroku), through a gem like figaro or through docker-compose env_file.

Table 1. Decidim Bulletin Board Env Vars
Name Value


Connection string for the Postgres database


The Bulletin Board private key, in JWT format. It should at least include the keys kty, n, e, d, p, q, dp, dq and qi.


Environment for Ruby on Rails. If it’s on your local machine for development, then it should be development. If it’s on server it should be production. Please take care that this has security implications. You DON’T want to run a production application in development mode.


If true it will show the log contents on the shell Standard Out. It’s especially relevant for certain hosting providers (for example, Heroku or Docker). It’s also part of 12factor’s recommendations.


Secret key base for the Application. It’s specially important that this is kept secret from the outside word; do NOT publish it on GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket.


Used to force seed test data on production environments, if true.